If you are struggling with debt and facing threats of home foreclosure and other creditor actions, Chapter 13 bankruptcy offers a path to a stable financial future.
At Gillespie & Murphy, P.A., we have been helping people throughout North Carolina, including New Bern, Wilmington, Greenville and Jacksonville, solve their debt problems since 1991. With 45 years of combined bankruptcy law experience, our attorneys are prepared to guide you out of a bad debt situation and into a better tomorrow.
Understanding Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will enter into a debt payment plan that lasts between three and five years.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is often called the “wage earner’s plan” because it gives people who earn steady paychecks, including individuals earning income from social security, retirement, VA disability or from family members, a chance to get caught up on past-due loans while stopping home foreclosures and other creditor actions.
With Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Creditor Harassment Stops Immediately
As in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, Chapter 13 triggers the automatic stay, a powerful legal injunction that stops creditors from suing you, placing liens on your property and taking other collection actions. This is one reason Chapter 13 is such an effective means of helping people who are behind on mortgage payments save their homes.
Also, a chapter 13 will prevent the IRS, NC Department of Revenue, and other tax authorities from attaching bank accounts, placing liens against property, and garnishing wages or taking property. The Plan can provide for a payment arrangement to pay taxes that may not otherwise be dischargeable.
Whatever your debt situation, we can help you explore all the options available to you, including Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Get Started Today. Free Consultations.
Is Chapter 13 bankruptcy right for you? Our lawyers for bankruptcy are here to help you understand the pros and cons so that you can make informed decisions about your financial future. Contact us online or by telephone at 252-636-2225 to schedule a free consultation at our New Bern, Wilmington, Greenville or Jacksonville, North Carolina, offices.